Erectile dysfunction is a sensitive problem that not every man is ready to go to the doctor for. In this case, folk remedies for impotence can help. Healing drinks, baths and non-traditional methods compete with traditional medicine, provided that the disease has not yet reached a severe stage.
What are the benefits of folk remedies?
In recent years, more and more people are turning to the centuries-old experience of healers and healers. The main reason is the lack of qualifications of medical specialists, as well as the peculiarities of the price policy of private clinics.
Advantages of non-traditional approach:
- Its effectiveness has been proven for centuries. For decades, people have had no other way to cure diseases other than using the healing properties of natural substances. Considering that humanity is not only not exhausted, but even increased in number, it can be argued that the methods work;
- Safety. Natural components, of course, have contraindications and cause side effects, but their list is much shorter than the list of restrictions indicated in the annotations for artificially synthesized drugs;
- Prevention. Many drugs are related to the prevention of various diseases, the statement that it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it for a long time does not require proof;
- Economic. Medicinal herbs cost less than pharmaceutical drugs, and with the right amount of interest and effort, you can fill your own herbal first aid kit - most herbs grow everywhere;
- Ease of use. Many potions are designed to be taken in equal doses 1-3 times a day and do not require a complex therapeutic regimen, which some people find confusing;
- Lasting results. Natural ingredients take time to work, they won't work in 3 days, but the results last a long time.
What problems will they help with?
With a mild violation of sexual function, folk remedies can act as the main medicine to improve male potency. More severe disease requires an integrated approach in which alternative medicine methods are considered adjunctive.
Using traditional medicine, you can:
- Improve the work of the nervous system;
- Restore blood circulation;
- increase testosterone production;
- Eliminate the effects of stress;
- Strengthen immune defense;
- Normalize metabolic processes;
- Strengthen weak erection;
- Suppress the inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
The components added to folk remedies to increase potency are very diverse. First of all, medicinal plants come to mind, but in addition to them, essential oils, food, and organic substances are also used.
List of effective ingredients:
- Ginseng is a natural stimulant;
- Nettle - improves the functioning of the urinary system, participates in the production of testosterone;
- Ginger – provides good blood circulation;
- Swamp calamus - tones the body, promotes physiological awakening;
- Rhodiola rosea – increases libido, improves the work of the circulatory system;
- Aloe - eliminates androgen deficiency;
- Ivan tea - used in the treatment of prostate diseases;
- Parsley – helps increase testosterone levels;
- Horseradish - used to stimulate sexual desire, increase the duration of the act of intimacy;
- Kalgan - effective for restoring vascular walls;
- clove - has a calming effect, works as an aphrodisiac;
- Beaver flow - increases sexual activity;
- Shilajit - has a complex effect, strengthens the immune system;
- propolis - necessary to stabilize prostate function and stimulate sexual performance;
- Eleutherococcus – provides strong erection, helps to activate libido;
- Hawthorn - increases the activity of the prostate, which is necessary to prolong sexual intercourse;
- Schisandra - increases the sensitivity of nerve endings, stabilizes the work of the nervous system;
- St. John's wort - improves blood circulation, restores psychological state;
- Thyme – helps to improve the quality and quantity of seminal fluid;
- Turmeric - has aphrodisiac properties, enhances feelings during intimacy.
It is useful to adjust your diet to increase potency. Homemade food should contain zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins necessary for sexual vitality. Conventionally, products are divided into several groups:
- Fast-acting agents;
- testosterone production stimulants;
- Activators of normal blood circulation;
- Food for a balanced emotional background.
The first group is required in situations where a favorable situation for intimacy is likely, and the man is afraid of a possible misfire.
It is recommended in these cases:
- Rennet or camel stomach. The best way to increase sexual function fast. Its properties were discovered by people wandering in deserts. It is enough to eat a small piece of dried camel's stomach to ensure a hard and long erection of the stone;
- onions. Its consumption rapidly increases the blood circulation in the genitals and the sensitivity of the penis. An enhanced effect is obtained by combining it with quail or chicken eggs. It's true that before a night of love, you'll need to take care of the breath freshener;
- Berries with cream. The cocktail quickly affects the level of potency. The most useful are black currants, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, blueberries. Food should be consumed shortly before foreplay;
- Celery. This vegetable ensures the production of sex hormones. One hour is enough for a man to feel his increased potential and strong desire;
- Red wine. It is important to limit yourself to 1-2 glasses. In this case, libido increases, blood flow is immediately stimulated, and the permeability of nerve endings increases.
A sufficient amount of testosterone in the body is responsible for stable potency. The hormone provides sexual desire and the ability to achieve a strong erection. To increase androgen synthesis, you need to eat:
- Oysters. It should be eaten raw, sprinkled with lemon juice. The benefits of shellfish for men's health are provided by their significant amount of zinc and essential amino acids;
- Turnip. The root vegetable itself and its seeds not only increase testosterone synthesis, but also provide the male body with nutrients and improve overall health;
- Egg. Chicken or quail eggs are a source of pure cholesterol, according to recent studies, male androgen is synthesized from it;
- beans. Contains dietary fiber, zinc and vegetable protein. Vegetables are recommended for overweight men due to their low calorie content;
- Lean beef. A large amount of protein and zinc allows you to increase hormone levels and provide building material for building muscle mass.
The erect position of the penis occurs when a sufficient amount of blood enters the corpus cavernosum. For this, it is important to fully regulate blood circulation processes in the body. The following foods will help:
- Kumis. It is considered to be healthier milk compared to cow's or goat's milk. With its help, metabolism is restored, blood composition is improved and the circulatory system is strengthened;
- nuts. They occupy one of the first places in the rating of products by potency. Many species contain the amino acid arginine, which provides the synthesis of nitric oxide;
- Watermelon. Striped berries have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, as well as prevent cancer pathologies and restore strength that deteriorates with age;
- Honey. It has a wide range of functions: it improves blood flow in the penis, participates in the production of testosterone, and ensures an increase in the body's protein supply. To increase the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take it mixed with nuts and ginger;
- Pomegranate juice. It normalizes blood circulation in the genitals, improves the activity of arteries and veins, and stabilizes the state of the central nervous system.
Often, the cause of sexual dysfunction at a young age is an unbalanced emotional state. This is facilitated by stress, overwork and relationship difficulties. Regular consumption of certain products corrects the psycho-emotional background without taking pharmaceutical drugs.
They have healing properties:
- banana. Improves mood, promotes the production of happiness hormones, causes a feeling of euphoria, helps to overcome depression and anxiety;
- Bitter chocolate. A desire stimulant that can increase the feeling of falling in love. Several pieces are required to achieve the effect, too much has a negative effect on health;
- lentils. It ensures the production of serotonin and provides the body with folic acid, without which there is a feeling of depression and depression;
- Hercules porridge. It contains tryptophan, which is necessary for the production of the hormone of happiness, and also regulates the level of glucose, the excess of which worsens the psychological background;
- Oily fish. Thanks to the significant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, they restore mood and help the brain to function properly.
Traditional ways to increase potency
In alternative medicine, there are several methods that effectively restore potency.
Among them:
- Phytotherapy. A proven folk method that involves the use of medicinal plants to prepare healing drinks, add to baths and compresses;
- Acupuncture. Eastern technique, where special needles are placed on the bio-points of a person that stimulate the body;
- Hirudotherapy. Leeches are applied to the body at certain points, after which the maggots attach and give healing saliva to the body. It consists of many components that have a positive effect on the condition of the blood;
- Massage. Various methods of influencing erogenous zones provide strong arousal;
- Aromatherapy. Essential oils with different aromas are diffused using a diffuser, poured into a lamp or added to baths. Depending on the raw material, you can achieve different effects, from sedative to active blood circulation.
Dietary supplements based on natural ingredients
Taking into account the effectiveness of organic components, special supplements that have a comprehensive effect on the male body began to be produced based on them. Often, the drug formula contains a set of carefully validated ingredients that are natural in nature.
If the potency is lost, it is advisable to apply the following supplements:
- powders;
- capsules;
- drops;
- Topical means - gel or spray for men.
The demand for dietary supplements has led to the emergence of fakes, so you need to visit the manufacturer's website to buy the original product. The average price of supplements is about 1000 rubles when you go to the store and buy products at a discount from our website. The main advantage of this form of distribution is the preservation of complete anonymity and accessibility for customers living in small towns and remote areas.
How to get the maximum effect?
To get the maximum effect from traditional methods, the following aspects should be taken into account:
- The reason for the decrease in erectile function;
- Complete the full course;
- Carefully follow the instructions for making potions;
- Adhere to prescribed doses;
- Folk remedies work only with small deviations from the norm.
In cases of severe sexual dysfunction, traditional methods will increase the therapeutic effect of the complex treatment of the disease: taking drugs, dietary supplements and physiotherapeutic procedures. In addition, you need to seriously revise your lifestyle, devoting more hours to rest and sports.